por Abel Roman, el lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012  ·

En el año 1967, un grupo de prominentes psiquiatras se reunieron en Puerto Rico con el propósito de trazar una visión de futuro en relación con su profesión. Su plan: desarrollar para el año 2000 toda una gama de drogas psiquiátricas o psicotrópicas para regular cualquier aspecto del comportamiento humano. Los acuerdos de esa reunión se recogen en un documento titulado  Psycotropic Drugs in the Year 2000, y se cita al Dr. Wayne Evans diciendo: “Vemos el potencial de desarrollo de un control casi total de la condición emocional, el funcionamiento mental y la capacidad de actuar de los seres humanos”. Con este planteamiento, inicia el documental titulado  Making a Killing.

Comencemos por definir lo que es una droga psicotrópica. Su nombre proviene del griego psyche: “mente” y tropein: “tornar”. Es un agente químico que actúa sobre el sistema nervioso central y ocasiona cambios temporales en la percepción, ánimo, estado de conciencia y comportamiento. El LSD, la mezcalina, el peyote y los hongos alucinógenos son drogas psicotrópicas, como también lo son medicamentos recetados como Paxil, Ritalin, Zoloft, Aderol y Wellbutrin, entre otros. Hoy día, 100 millones de personas en el mundo toman estos medicamentos psicotrópicos. La mitad de las personas que se suicidan están en tratamiento con medicamentos psicotrópicos.

El documental plantea que existe un triunvirato entre los médicos psiquiatras, la Food and Drug Administration (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) y la industria farmacéutica que ha traído como resultado una situación alarmante conocida como “la venta de la enfermedad”. Este triunvirato identifica síntomas e inventa enfermedades y luego crea y vende los medicamentos para atender dicha enfermedad. Esto representa un negocio redondo para todas las partes. Citan el caso del Desorden de Ansiedad Social (SAD, en inglés). Las tres drogas psicotrópicas que se utilizan para atender este desorden, Seroquel, Zyprexa y Risperdal, generan ganancias de $25,000 por minuto. También se utilizan drogas psicotrópicas para tratar condiciones como obesidad, alcoholismo, compulsión por el juego, sofocones, herpes, náusea, picor y hasta escalofríos.

El documental señala que las farmacéuticas juegan a la ruleta rusa con la gente. Cuando a una farmacéutica como Eli Lilly se le venció la patente de Prozac, utilizado para la depresión, simplemente le cambiaron el color a la píldora y comenzaron a mercadearlo como Sarafem, una nueva droga para una condición llamada ‘Premenstrual Disphoric Disorder’, creada también por el triunvirato. Zybam, una droga para dejar de fumar, es realmente el psicotrópico para la depresión Wellbutrin, pero con una nueva etiqueta. Cymbalta, una droga para la depresión y la ansiedad, ahora se mercadea como Yentreve, un medicamento para la incontinencia urinaria. Esto significa que cualquier persona puede estar tomando una droga psicotrópica sin saberlo. De acuerdo con Mike Adams, un defensor de los derechos del consumidor citado en el documental, este triunvirato de las farmacéuticas, la FDA y la psiquiatría ha llegado a un punto que podría decirse que están cometiendo un crimen contra la humanidad.

Para mercadear sus  productos, la industria farmacéutica paga millones de dólares a las escuelas de medicina de prestigiosas universidades para que los profesores de psiquiatría se conviertan en promotores de las drogas psicotrópicas. Estos psiquiatras escriben artículos sobre condiciones inventadas que se tratan con ciertos medicamentos. Hacen supuestos estudios al respecto y luego divulgan los resultados en publicaciones médicas de prestigio. Lo que la gente no sabe es que en el 50 por ciento de los casos, esos académicos no participan en los estudios. Solo prestan su firma por 10 o 20 mil dólares.

El documental también aborda el problema que crea la publicidad que pagan las farmacéuticas para promover las drogas. En Estados Unidos, cada cinco minutos se transmite un anuncio sobre alguna droga psicotrópica en el cual hablan de los síntomas y terminan con un llamado a la acción: consulta a tu médico. La persona llega al médico convencida de lo que tiene y el medicamento que necesita. El médico solo tiene que escribir la receta y así se completa el círculo. La industria farmacéutica invierte $5.3 millones al año mercadeando medicamentos.

El documental recomienda lo que se conoce como consentimiento informado, el derecho de toda persona a conocer a fondo cualquier condición que le haya sido diagnosticada, los riesgos y beneficios del tratamiento recomendado, los tratamientos alternativos y los riesgos y beneficios de no acogerse a ningún tipo de tratamiento. El consentimiento informado en relación con los desórdenes psiquiátricos y las drogas psicotrópicas establece que:

1. Los desórdenes psiquiátricos no son enfermedades que requieren tratamiento médico.

2. No hay evidencia científica de que las drogas psicotrópicas resuelven ningún problema mental.

3. Las drogas psicotrópicas disfrazan los síntomas y traen consigo efectos secundarios a corto y a  largo plazo.

4. Las drogas psicotrópicas crean dependencia y adicción.

5. La mayoría de los problemas mentales son ocasionados por una condición física subyacente.

6. No importa cuán severo sea el desorden psiquiátrico, existen opciones efectivas para tratamiento que no incluyen las drogas psicotrópicas.

El documental concluye que la psiquiatría es hoy día una industria de más de $330 millones al año que no ofrece la cura como una opción. El paciente que tiene que vivir el resto de su vida tomando algún medicamento. Concluye también que la psiquiatría moderna es una seudo ciencia que no resiste la revisión rigurosa que rige a las demás ciencias y que si las drogas psicotrópicas ayudan a alguien, en realidad esto no compensa el riesgo que corre el resto de la población que se expone a estas.

Al final del documental nos refieren a Med Watch, una agencia que recibe cualquier tipo de querella sobre efectos secundarios y problemas causados por las drogas psicotrópicas. Asimismo, se puede contactar a la Citizens Commission on Human Rights: www, para más información.


English version: MAKING A KILLING

In 1967, a group of prominent psychiatrists met in Puerto Rico in order to draw a vision regarding his profession. His plan: to develop by 2000 a range of psychiatric or psychotropic drugs to regulate any aspect of human behavior. The resolutions of the meeting are contained in a document entitled Psycotropic Drugs in the Year 2000, and quotes Dr. Wayne Evans said: “We see the potential of developing a near-total control of the emotional condition, mental functioning and ability acting of human beings. ” With this approach, starts the documentary Making a Killing.


Let’s start by defining what is a psychotropic drug. Its name comes from the Greek psyche, “mind” and tropein: “make”. It is a chemical that acts on the central nervous system and causes temporary changes in perception, mood, consciousness and behavior. LSD, mescaline, peyote and magic mushrooms are psychotropic drugs, as are prescription drugs like Paxil, Ritalin, Zoloft, and Wellbutrin Aderol, among others. Today, 100 million people worldwide take these psychotropic medications. Half the people who commit suicide are treated with psychotropic medications.


The documentary suggests that there is a triumvirate among psychiatrists, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, for its acronym in English) and the pharmaceutical industry has resulted in an alarming situation known as “the sale of the disease.” This triumvirate identifies and invents disease symptoms and then creates and sells medicines to treat the disease. This represents a good deal for all parties. They cite the case of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD, in English). The three psychotropic drugs that are used to address this disorder, Seroquel, Zyprexa and Risperdal, generating earnings of $ 25,000 per minute. Psychotropic drugs are also used to treat conditions such as obesity, alcoholism, compulsive gambling, hot flashes, herpes, nausea, itching and even chills.


The documentary points out that pharmaceutical playing Russian roulette with people. When a drug company Eli Lilly as he won the patent for Prozac, used for depression, simply changed the color of the pill and began to market it as Sarafem, a new drug for a condition called ‘Disphoric Premenstrual Disorder’, also created by the triumvirate. Zybam, a smoking cessation drug, psychotropic really is Wellbutrin for depression, but with a new label. Cymbalta, a drug for depression and anxiety, now marketed as Yentreve, a drug for urinary incontinence. This means that anyone can be taking a psychotropic drug unknowingly. According to Mike Adams, an advocate for consumer rights mentioned in the documentary, this triumvirate of pharmaceuticals, the FDA and psychiatry has reached a point that could be said to be committing a crime against humanity.


To market its products, the pharmaceutical industry pays millions of dollars to medical schools from prestigious universities for professors of psychiatry to become promoters of psychotropic drugs. These psychiatrists write stories about invented conditions that are treated with certain medications. They alleged studies about it and then report the results in prestigious medical journals. What people do not know is that in 50 percent of cases, these scholars do not participate in the studies. Just provide your signature for 10 or $ 20,000.


The documentary also addresses the problem that creates paid advertising to promote the pharmaceutical drugs. In America, every five minutes passed an ad about a psychotropic drug in which they talk about the symptoms and end with a call to action: consult your doctor. The person goes to the doctor believes that he has and the medicine you need. The doctor only has to write the prescription and so the circle is complete. The pharmaceutical industry spends $ 5.3 billion a year by marketing drugs.


The document recommends what is known as informed consent, the right of everyone to get to know any condition that has been diagnosed, the risks and benefits of the recommended treatment, alternative treatments and the risks and benefits of not eligible for any treatment. Informed consent in relation to psychiatric disorders and psychotropic drugs provides that:


1. Psychiatric disorders are not diseases that require medical treatment.

2. There is no scientific evidence that psychotropic drugs solve any mental problem.

3. Psychotropic drugs disguise the symptoms and side effects bring short and long term.

4. Psychotropic drugs create dependency and addiction.

5. Most mental problems are caused by an underlying physical condition.

6. No matter how severe the psychiatric disorder, there are effective treatment options that do not include psychotropic drugs.


The documentary concludes that psychiatry is now an industry of more than $ 330 million a year that does not offer a cure as an option. The patient has to live the rest of his life taking any medications. It also concludes that modern psychiatry is a pseudo science that can not withstand rigorous review that applies to other sciences and psychotropic drugs if someone help, this actually is not worth the risk to the rest of the population is exposed to these.


At the end of the documentary we refer to Med Watch, an agency that receives any complaint about side effects and problems caused by psychotropic drugs. You can also contact the Citizens Commission on Human Rights: www, for more information.

Vea el documental íntegro aquí:







1987-1997 Puerto Rico’s Incredible Decade

1987-1997: Puerto Rico’s Incredible Decade
By Scott Corrales
(c) 2010

Author's note: This feature appeared originally in the United Kingdom's sadly defunct UFO MATRIX magazine and formed part of my regular Orbis Tertius column -- its title being a nod to that extraordinary Argentinean author and translator, Jorge Luis Borges. The "incredible decade", too, is a nod to M.K. Jessup and his description of abnormal activity in the late 19th century. Some of the information presented may be "old hat" to readers of my work in Tim Beckley's UFO UNIVERSE or FATE magazine, but it might give new readers an appreciation of what was going on two decades ago in the Caribbean. -- SC]

Looking back at major outbreaks of UFO activity always has a dream-like effect. In later years it becomes hard to believe that perfectly ordinary parts of our world can be swept up in a frenzy over unusual activity, bordering on hysteria. Perhaps for this reason, the Spanish-speaking countries have used the term “psychosis” to characterize the atmosphere surrounding a saucer flap, for example. The image that best characterizes this is the tabloid cover photo of a police officer and a knot of teenagers looking up at the night sky, with the screaming headline “¡platillera psicósis!” referring, in this case, to the 1991 UFO events in Mexico City.

Similar circumstances occurred in Puerto Rico, an island known for its heavy UFO activity, usually centering on two specific areas: El Yunque Rainforest in the northeastern corner of the island, within a stone’s throw of the capital city of San Juan, and the island’s southwestern corner, where unusual events centered around the communities of Cabo Rojo and Lajas. Unidentified flying objects had made themselves at home in the Seventies, resulting in localized “flaps” the received worldwide attention, and even prompted politicians to call for an official study into the nature of the phenomenon. The leading theory explaining the recurrent UFO appearances over that particular zone involves the unusual magnetic fields found in the vicinity of Maricao State Forest, which has been a notorious materialization point for unidentified vehicles over the years. Laguna Cartagena is in the state forest’s vicinity, and excessive interest in Laguna Cartagena prompted police and Civil Defense authorities to cordon off the area and have discouraged investigators from visiting the area, citing “disruptions to the lagoon’s fragile ecology”.

The southwestern corner of the roughly rectangular island has for centuries been the stage for paranormal events. In the 1600, the Blessed Virgin appeared in the town of Hormigueros, where many Lourdes-like cures have taken place; in 1953, a boy named Juan Collado had been visited by an entity claiming to be the Virgin, who instructed him to tell his parents and other adults that she would re-appear near a well on a given date. Thousands of people from around the island flocked to the site of the “miraculous” well, standing in hurricane-season rain to wait for the Blessed Virgin to appear. The situation, reminiscent of Fátima in 1917, led to many sudden healings, and although there was no “miracle of the sun”, many observed a glowing UFO land upon a hill not distant from the well. In spite of the torrential rain, the UFO managed to set the dense tropical vegetation on fire. In 1974, a UFO flap coincidental with the wave taking place stateside produced hundreds of sightings, abduction reports, mysterious human disappearances, numerous mutilations of cattle and, oddly enough, the Blessed Virgin staged a reappearance, producing more miracles. The Eighties, however, were quiet – a silence that was in step with the lack of UFO activity worldwide – and many researchers who had been active during the previous decade returned to “civilian” life.

Dawn of a New Saucer Age

An incident in Cabo Rojo on May 31, 1987 served as the metaphorical starters pistol for the resurgence of a decade of UFO and paranormal activity in the island. Puerto Rico’s south-western coast was rocked by an explosion and an earthquake at a reported depth of some 80,000 feet. Witnesses reported plumes of bluish smoke emerging from cracks in the ground along with a series of aftershocks. Seismographs soon issued conflicting reports: originally, the tremor’s epicenter was under Laguna Cartagena at a depth of 8000 feet. Later, it was moved out to sea, somewhere in the Mona Passage.

The earthquake had a most unusual aftermath: those living in the immediate area of Laguna Cartagena were evacuated by military personnel while figures garbed in decontamination gear conducted a thorough survey of the area, including samples of earth, water and vegetable matter. The day following the event, rural residents saw what appeared to be a military helicopter hovering above the lagoon, lowering what appeared to be sensitive equipment into the water. This unknown instrumentation package proved to be of great interest to someone else: on June 3, 1987, at 10:30 p.m., a cylindrical object resembling a giant hot-water tank with red and blue “navigation” lights on either end emerged from the Caribbean and positioned itself directly over the lagoon, to the consternation of onlookers. The silent UFO repeated its manoeuvre at the same time of night on June 4th and 5th. Unidentified flying objects in myriad configurations would become, from then on, a staple of south-western Puerto Rico

Whatever the strange objects in the sky were, and whatever unexplained intelligence was behind them, returned to the scene with an intensity that exceeded earlier flap events. The phenomenon was now chronicled in the press – daily papers and specialized publications alike – and recent sightings, encounters and abductions competed for space with older stories that could now finally be told as experiencers felt encouraged to share them with the public. And some of the newer cases were mind-boggling: jet interceptors absorbed by menacing, behemoth triangular craft, the whereabouts of their pilots unknown; diminutive humanoids reported at road crossings, streams, beaches and — most disturbingly — bedrooms; rumors of an increase in activity by U.S. military personnel and Federal agents aimed at maintaining a “cover-up” merged seamlessly with intense official action against native terrorist groups (the so-called “Macheteros”) creating a palpable atmosphere of excitement tinged with fear.

In October 1988, a witness living in La Parguera, globally famous for the microscopic marine life that causes its bay to become “phosphorescent” on moonlit nights, reportedly saw a gigantic UFO “as large as a 727” airliner, studded with lights, hang silently in mid-air before sinking quietly into the nearby swampland. Melvin Rosado, a resident of Lajas, saw something even more disturbing on one of the hills that comprise the coastal range known as Sierra Bermeja. From his home overlooking the hills, he witnessed an event that falls squarely within the confines of “high strangeness”: he claims to have seen a structure resembling “an elevator” emerge from the ground, and that four humanoids stepped out of it. The humanoids were escorted by a small hairy hominid which Rosado described as “moving like a robot” which would follow indications given by one of its “handlers.” The witness added that the metallic elevator box appeared to become transparent at one point, as if shielded by a “cloaking device.”

Vanishing Jets and Official Legerdemain

These spectacular (and admittedly questionable) events, however, could not compare with the aerial phenomenon supposedly seen in the night sky over the town of Betances and over the Sierra Bermeja region. Well over 100 witnesses on the evening of December 28, 1988 were treated to the sight of Navy jets, allegedly F-14’s, manoeuvring around a mammoth triangular UFO shaped like a guitar plectrum and with blinking lights.

Harassed by fighters diving and spinning around its massive structure in an effort to force it down, or else follow a given trajectory, the giant UFO turned around with uncanny ease as one of the jets blocked its flight path. The massive intruder remained motionless, suspended in mid-air, like something out of a high-budget science fiction thriller.

What happened next is unclear, but there is unanimity among the witnesses that the whine of the F-14 Tomcat’s engines was extinguished after closing in on the floating UFO. Whether it collided and disintegrated, or whether it was absorbed or “captured” by the UFO is unclear. The second interceptor vanished as well. The colossus then proceeded to split in two ) and each half took off in a different direction, one toward the southeast and another toward the northeast. This case was vividly described by Wilson Sosa, an onlooker turned researcher, before the those gathered at the 1991 International UFO Conference in Laughlin, Nevada.

Officialdom did not delay in offering rebuttals about the strange going-on in South-western Puerto Rico. Aníbal Román, Civil Defense Director for the Mayagüez Region, reassured the population over a radio broadcast that neither UFOs nor strange lights were being seen in the south-western corner of the island. A vast effort was undertaken to demonstrate that the “cause” of the lights seen in Laguna Cartagena was attributable to lights of the Candelaria neighbourhood of Cabo Rojo reflecting upon the lagoon’s waters: The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) left hundreds of homes without electricity for thirty minutes on October 2, 1991. Ramón Montalvo, an engineer at the PREPA plant in San Germán, claimed that the unusual lights vanished from the darkened sky “the minute the power was cut off.” Lt. Rafael Rodríguez of the Lajas police argued that the blackout proved the lights believed to be UFOs were merely the reflections on the lagoon’s surface.

Although authorities went to the extreme of placing a series of large reflectors on the crest of Mt. Candelaria, the experiment was an abysmal failure: no-one saw the expected reflections, despite the official affirmations. Any individual armed with a map could have told that the lights of the Candelaria neighbourhood (20 miles away) could not possibly account for the situation being experienced on an almost daily basis by the residents of the Lajas Valley.

In late January 1994, a Californian cable TV crew visited the island to prepare a documentary on the strange goings-on that had caused such sensation in earlier years. The crew, led by interviewer Tom Zennes, spoke to Israel Acosta Meléndez about a sighting occurred on January 16 of that year. Acosta claimed that he and a group of friends had seen a large blue light illuminate the night sky near Lajas, adding that the light remained at some distance above them for a long time before taking off toward an unknown destination at high speed.

Acosta told Zennes that he had also had the opportunity of witnessing a circular, brass-colored vehicle that crossed the sky from Lajas to Cabo Rojo. The object had at least a dozen lights running along its sides. The Lajas resident had grown accustomed to these sightings and felt no fear of the unknown objects, although the same couldn’t be said for his trusty horse. He recalled heading for Cabo Rojo on horseback one day when he saw a UFO hovering briefly on the horizon before splitting into three parts. Acosta’s mount was so startled it nearly threw him off the saddle.

On November 27, 1994, a UFO described as having a triangular shape crossed the heavens at 5:00 p.m. witnessed by Aracelis Valentín, a resident of Mayaguez’s Jardines Housing, who was “astonished” by the sight.

Mrs. Valentín explained that the UFO, which was “shiny and metallic,” moved south from a northwesterly direction. “I was there with my 2-year old son, when I saw an object resembling a stingray,” Aracelis averred during an interview with a journalist. She pointed out that the unknown vehicle was very large and clearly visible in the clear skies. As in other UFO cases, the craft allegedly sighted by Mrs. Valentín made no sound whatsoever. She insisted that it could not have been an airplane, helicopter, or balloon, since the object in question was incredibly bright and moved at a breathtaking rate of speed. “The phenomenon frightened me considerably,” she told reporters from a local newspaper.

The Mayaguez resident was by no means the only one to report UFOs: unknown to her, an entire neighborhood had sighted a triangular UFO a week earlier in the town of Añasco, located to the north of Mayaguez. According to one of the residents of Añasco’s Daguey suburb, the triangle “…crossed the skies silently, leaving a trail of light similar to a fluorescent lamp,” as it crossed the evening skies on November 23, 1994

One resident claimed to have seen the triangular UFO vanish rapidly, heading southward from the North. The object itself gave off a brilliant light and flew at a low altitude, which enabled the witness and three relatives to see it clearly. “At first I thought I was seeing white pigeons flying in formation, but I later realized it was something none of us had seen before,” said the witness, a government employee, who insisted on anonymity when interviewed by reporter José Victor Jiménez. “I don’t want my sanity called into question, but my immediate family and other neighbours saw the very same thing.” The regular sightings were a certain omen that the sightings were coming back with renewed intensity, with regular reports appearing throughout the Christmas holidays and into the new year.

World attention was suddenly thrust upon Puerto Rico again on May 6, 1997, when reports of a UFO crash near the town of Lajas (famous for the Laguna Cartagena incidents in the late 1980s and early Nineties) at 3:25 a.m. erupted on the news wires and on the Internet, producing renewed interest in the island’s UFO landscape. All accounts coincided on the fact that something had happened near Lajas, producing an intense brush fire in the habitually arid region, but the source of the fire became a bone of contention: one band of ufologists claimed that a spacecraft had hurtled out of the sky and exploded, causing the conflagration, along with reports of Federal agents who denied the local police access into the area. Another ufologist appeared on television denying that there was anything to the event aside from a meteor impact which triggered the fires, and suggested that the celestial event was being manipulated by a band of government-infiltrated saucer fanatics to discredit UFO research on the island. To everyone’s surprise, an astronomer took the side of the pro-UFO faction, insisting that a meteor of that magnitude would have left a tremendous crater, possibly obliterating Lajas and the neighboring towns.

A Military Solution?

On May 7, 1997, Univision’s Spanish-language Primer Impacto program presented a dramatic roundup of the events surrounding the mysterious Lajas incident: the interviewers reported claims that the Army had reported to the area to collect debris from the impact site and that the consternation among the locals was clearly visible. It was also pointed out that unusually heavy UFO activity had been reported over Puerto Rico’s southern tier, and that a woman from the city of Ponce had taken a video of a silvery, rhomboidal object crossing the skies.

Lucy Guzmán, an investigator affiliated at the time with the Puerto Rican Research Group, based in Hato Rey, P.R., posted a radio news story to the Internet which indicated Lajas mayor Marcos Irizarry’s belief that the explosion and subsequent fire had been caused by U.S. military experimentation in the area. Irizarry added in the newscast that a growing number of local residents were coming forward with accounts of a glowing object that fell from the sky, and that three distinct explosions had been heard. An area radio station also experienced technical difficulties shortly after the detonations occurred, suggesting the possibility of EMP (electromagnetic pulse radiation). The defunct San Juan Star (the island’s only English-language newspaper at the time) briefly mentioned that one resident, Francisco Negrón, said the fire burned with an unusual redness, which almost bordered on the supernatural. Tipping its hat toward the non-meteoric theory, the U.S. Coast Guard suggested that “an airplane crash” may have occurred at that time.

An interesting feature appearing in the distinguished Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (May/June 1997) discussed an interesting addition to the U.S. nuclear arsenal: the earth-penetrating B61-11, a twelve-hundred pound warhead that replaced a number of older nukes. Whereas older nuclear devices had to delivered by a bomber due to their considerable weight, the lighter B61-11 could be dropped by a jet fighter. Capable of perforating the ground, this improved weapon of destruction employs “ground coupling” to produce a shockwave capable of demolishing subterranean facilities.

While such capabilities may have called for by military planners bent on destroying superhardened Soviet command posts deep under ground, the end of the Cold War and the standing down of forces on either side has made such a sophisticated weapon redundant. But in spite of this lowering of tensions, there were tests of earth-penetrating nuclear warheads in 1988 and 1989 having far greater yields than required. Could the UFO enigma play a role in such an arbitrary decision?

UFO investigators have repeated their belief that a subterranean “base” of some kind exists in the southwestern corner of Puerto Rico, either in the vicinity of the Sierra Bermeja mountains or offshore. These assertions have been generally supported by the considerable number of UFO/humanoid sightings in the region. Spurious maps of such an underground base (staffed by a joint complement of humans and aliens, as in the best tradition of early 90′s “Dulce Base” accounts) were even circulated, showing underground “saucer hangars” and a submarine inexplicably “parked” in an underwater cavern.

The article in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, which pointedly described the B61-11 as a “mystery weapon”, indicated that planners have actively considered the use of small “dial-a-yield” warheads against Third World countries, particularly in their ground-penetrating capacity. Could we speculate that Puerto Rico may have proven an interesting test site, not only for its unique position, straddling the First and Third Worlds, but also for the perceived problem that hides beneath it surface?

Saucers or no saucers, it is a fact that thirteen Puerto Rican military facilities (the number has gone down in the past years due to base closings) have been used for the storage of nuclear weapons ranging from underwater demolition mines to more sophisticated nukes — all of them under the generic cover of Advanced Underwater Weapons (AUW). This situation is explained in William Arkin and Richard Fieldhouse’s masterful Nuclear Battlefields (Ballinger, 1985). Even though the island falls squarely under the jurisdiction of the Treaty of Tecamachalco, which declared the island a “nuclear-free zone” along with the rest of Latin America (a special protocol of this treaty deals exclusively with the Puerto Rican situation). Antisubmarine bombers, armed with nuclear weapons, had made use of the defunct Roosevelt Roads Naval Base during wartime as their base.

Incident at Adjuntas

While la zona suroeste of the island commanded the lion’s share of ufological and media attention, a fascinating sub-plot was taking place at Puerto Rico’s heart, where the arid Caribbean environment gives way to sharp, verdant peaks. The mountain community of Adjuntas, part of the island’s coffee-growing belt, had attracted the attention of mysterious lights for decades. A 19th century town with a population of 35,000 scattered throughout the surrounding municipality, is located to the northeast of the city of Ponce, following the tortuous curves of Rte.10 and the narrow defiles on each side of the road. A community firmly rooted in the culture of Puerto Rico’s central mountainous region, it is largely known as a coffee-growing region. It is a little known fact that during the 1870’s, the island’s coffee was the most prized variety in the world, far exceeding the beans supplied by Brazil or even the Far East. The café society of 19th century Vienna was fuelled by coffee beans harvested in central Puerto Rico.

Almost twenty years later, the island-wide reactivation of mysterious forces caused lights to manifest again, this time in a very specific location: the test-pits for potential mining operations in central Puerto Rico, known to contain considerable quantities of copper and to a lesser extent, gold. It has been speculated that this mineral wealth has attracted non-human interest as well, or that it serves as a beacon for anomalous activity. Elderly residents of Adjuntas’ Barrio Pellejas alleged that bizarre vehicles and even stranger-looking “people” could occasionally be seen in the region containing the copper mines. In an interview, Mrs Rafaela Hernández indicated: “My father would tell us that there was something strange there, a great mystery. That those people supposedly from another world had a base there, and that late at night, saucers would land and a great glow could be seen down there.” At the height of the 1991 flap, it was said that some of the enormous steel plates employed to cover some of the copper test pits dug by Kennecott during decades past had been torn asunder by an unknown force, possibly beams emanating from UFOs. Photo and video evidence alleging the destruction of the enormous steel plates covering the test pits was circulated around this time. The Adjuntas events reached such intensify that Rigoberto Ramos, the town’s mayor, felt the need to contact President George W. Bush to apprise him of the situation:

“Adjuntas is a little town in the Central Range of Puerto Rico, and at this moment, we are very intrigued by some unusual events that are affecting our daily lives.
Some years ago, we noticed the presence of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) in our skies. At first, we did not give great importance to this matter, but lately these things have appeared again and our citizens are distressed over this. Many, many persons have witnessed the presence of these objects in our surrounding space (evidence of these apparitions is included).
Our purpose in writing you is to ask for your help to clarify what is really happening by ordering an investigation so that the people in our community can keep calm.”

Interestingly enough, another mayor of Adjuntas had had his own UFO experience: In October 1972, Roberto Ramos, had his own sighting of unidentified aerial vehicles one night in the Barrio Garzas section of his community. A disbeliever of such manifestations, the mayor actually prided himself on his utterly rational approach to anything vaguely inexplicable. But sitting in the front passenger seat of a roofless jeep, along with other passengers, he was left speechless when three disks crossed the firmament right over their car. Ramos would later describe the objects as a trio of light-emitting disks, changing colour and intensity as they crossed the sky. As they flew overhead, there was no doubt in Mayor Ramos’s mind that he had witnessed an unexplained phenomenon.

In November 1992, journalist Julio Victor Ramirez reported on a fascinating – and frightening – incident in the mountain community: uncommonly large luminous objects were reportedly descending on a hill known as El Gigante in the precise sector of the municipality where the mining test pits were located. The witnesses to the event included members of the local police department, who would subsequently retell the experience to radio personality Edwin Plaza: “That thing had a set of lights beneath it, and a white ray of light issued from its bottom, lighting up the hill.” Despite its tremendous size, the vehicle made no sound whatsoever.

According to the law enforcement agents, the massive luminous object had appeared in the early hours of the evening, bathing the slopes of El Gigante in white light. The unknown object reportedly had lights underneath it and the source of illumination came from a single beam projected against the hillside. What made this sighting interesting – as if its magnitude were not sufficient to make it important – is that the object’s beam was apparently seeking a particular location: an agricultural school on the slopes of El Gigante that looked into “improved cattle ranching techniques”. With what we know about the presence of the UFO phenomenon in the world-wide epidemic of cattle mutilations, is it unreasonable to suspect a connection in this case?

Within a few years, the UFO sightings in Adjuntas would give way to the earliest reports of the paranormal predator known as “el Chupacabras” in the mountain municipalities of Orocovis and Morovis.


Unusual activity in Puerto Rico remained steady even as the Nineties gave way to the first decade of the new century, but never again reached the fever pitch of the 1987-1997 period. Using past performance as an indicator, there will certainly be similar bursts of activity in the future, but as always, specifying the exact moment is an elusive art.

The UFO situation on the island during the Nineties, however, differed significantly from all the past waves by a significant new addition: the role of “alien abductions” and the appearance of the diminutive “Greys” instead of the taller, more clearly humanoid-looking aliens of decades past, conforming to a worldwide pattern. Although significant cases were reported during this period, the abduction phenomenon did not reach the magnitude that it achieved on the mainland U.S. or elsewhere. In retrospect, there appear to have been more encounters in broad daylight (or even moonlight) with non-human entities than bedroom visitations. The start of the Chupacabras mutilations effectively ended the initial “phase” of abnormal activity, and few if any UFO reports were collected during this period – a fact that repeated itself in Mexico in 1996, with the onset of mutilation activity in that country.

Perhaps the most salient feature of the Puerto Rican wave of the 1990s was the amount of domestic and international media coverage it received. Local researchers were interviewed by news outlets from Spain, the United Kingdom and Japan (NHK television produced one of the most complete documentaries ever on the subject) and hosted visits by Stateside personalities such as Jacques Vallée, Linda Moulton-Howe and Timothy Good. Less fortunate, perhaps, was the trivialization of the UFO/paranormal events by commercial interests.

Agradezco al amigo: Scott CORRALES – EE.UU. -

Published in: on 4 noviembre, 2012 at 9:10 PM  Comentarios (3)  

Vigilia ovni en la Launa Cartagena de Lajas Puerto Rico

Una de las interesantes actividades que hacemos nosotros aparte de la investigaciones que se nos presenten, nos vamos a field hacer investigaciones para ver si logramos evidenciar algunas de la evoluciones de estos escurridisos artefactos. nos personamos a media noche en la inmediaciones de la Laguna Cartagena este servidor junto a los investigadores Luiseppi Quiñones, Anibal Martinez, Richard Flores, pasaron muchas cosas, a parte de que tuvimos una visita inesperada en el lugar de investigacion de visitantes del estado de Arizona que estaban perdidos y buscando aventura compartieron con nosotros hasta las  2:40 am. La noche queda interrumpida por los gritos de aviso de Richad a ver una enorme luz que se enciende en la zona montaña conocida como Monte del Estado Maricao, a pocos minutos otra enrme luz se encende cerca de nosotros en la montañas de Sierra Bermeja de Lajas quedando grabadas en video y camaras fotograficas. hubieron otros eventos que seran publicada en un especial que sera publicada en el canal Enfoque x tv . mientras tanto disfruten de algunas fotos tomada por mi camara infraroja.


Published in: on 15 octubre, 2012 at 7:15 PM  Comentarios (3)  
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Se Reportan tres casos suroeste de Puerto Rico con entidades anómalas

Puerto Rico es un país lleno de leyendas urbanas e historias con encuentros con alegados seres anómalos de origen desconocidos, que superan la imaginación del espectador tocando asi si realmente lo que esta observando es real o es parte de su imaginación, miedos infundados o tal vez la aglomeración de tantas informacion amarillista en los medios que ven crituras aladas inexistente, mosntruos que muchas veces parecen ser sacados de un libreto de una película de terror. Mas allá de la realidad y sensacionalismo existe casos que merecen ser estudiados y evaluados muy seriamente, mas cuando el mismo se repite en el mismo lugar o cercano con distintas personas que NO se conocen entre si y mucho menos saben la historia de las experiencias de los demas que la han vivido. Son historias de terror que a veces uno piensa que no le puede suceder a una personas común y corriente, pero suceden. Son tres historias breves  dos en el mismo lugar area oeste y la otra en el sur, los tres  casos muy similares.

Caso 1 Carreterera 102 de Guanajibo Mayagüez a Cabo Rojo para el mes de agosto de 2012, muy cerca de un canal de TV local, una dama sale a pasear su perro, tarde en la noche como siempre lo habia hecho de costumbre, cuando llega al puente de Guanagibo que esta en construcción su perro se inquita mucho y comiensa a ladrar y a desesperarse, la dueña creyó que el perro detecto alguna presencia de algun intruso cerca que la asechaba, pero para su sorpresa que el perro le ladraba a una extraña criatura de mediana estatura, con ojos rojos, y su cabeza daba la impresion como una pera invertida, ojos almendrados y brillantes. Su perro se le escapó de sus manos huyendo del lugar asustado, dejando a su dueña sola. Esta salió corriendo del lugar hasta llegar a su casa con un ataque de nervios, por lo cual su esposo la llevó al hospital para que fuera tratada, cuando el esposo le preguntó que le sucedió le contro la increíble historia, ella dejo de pasear el perro y no quiere pasar por el lugar donde vió la extraña criatura.

Caso 2 Carretera 102 de Guanajibo Mayagüez a Cabo Rojo,el 4 de septiembre muy tarde en la noche nuevamente en las cercanias de un canal de tv local, un guardian que labora en ese canal, cuando se dispinia ir a un baño portatil que se encuentra a una distancia considerable de su puesto de trabajo, en unos terrenos aledaños tuvo un encuentro cercano con la misma criatura que tuvo la dama anterior mencionada, solo que esta vez esta criatura no andaba sola, habían más de estos seres anómalos y un alegado objeto enorme a muy baja altura que le sorprendio, el guardian salio despavorido del lugar y encerrarse dentro del canal hasta que llegara su relevo de trabajo.

Caso 3 Guánica Mes de agosto guardian de seguridad que llegaba a su casa en horas de madrugrada cambió de ruta para entrar por otra parte para dirigirse a su residencia, este toma la antigua carretera 102 asi como leen la 102 nuevamente, esta carretera conecta con varios pueblos y me explico, la carretera 102 va desde Guyanilla, Yauco, Guánica, Sabana Grande, Cabo Rojo y ternina en Guanajibo Mayagüez. Continúo con la historia, este guardian toma esa vía ya que lo lleva a otra carretera que lo conduce a su casa, cuando pasa por el puente de Rio Loco de Yauco al entrar a la otra via de rodaje un poco mas adelante en la primera residencia que se encuentra el, nota algo que le llamo la atención un perro estaba muy atento a algo que estaba en la orilla del rio y la carretera, reduce la velocidad para no atropellar al perro y cuando se da cuenta que era lo que el perro observaba el guardian se a aterró al ver un ser enorme con una especie de ropa negra, como capucha según el describe. Esta entidad anomala estaba observando al perro y el perro tambien lo observaba, ninguno de los dos notaron la presencia del guardian. Según el guardian de seguridad este apenas le pudo ver algo por ojos rojos muy briilantes según, pero por el hecho de verlo salió del lugar muy rapidamente, no le vio piernas solo que tenia una enorme capa negra que lo cubria todo. Cerca del lugar esta funcionado una escuela elemental pública.

Published in: on 14 septiembre, 2012 at 9:04 AM  Comentarios (3)  
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SOS A la humanidad. Están generando terremotos con HAARP y van a seguir

Todos los últimos terremotos del planeta han sido provocados. Tenemos las pruebas, sabemos quiénes son los asesinos y sabemos que quierne volver a actuar. Todo está en este video. Solo podemos impedirlo denunciandolo. Tenemos que tomar la responsabilidad de hacerlo o la humanidad completa lo pagará muy caro.

Esta entrevista es una denuncia de un crimen, una denuncia de los asesinos y una advertencia de que, si no actuamos, los asesinos volverán a actuar. Difundelo al máximo, házselo llegar a las autoridades de tu país, traducelo o subtitulalo en otros idiomas… QUEDAN POCOS DIAS PARA EL 3 DE SEPTIEMBRE… LA UNICA ESPERANZA ES QUE SE SIENTAN DESCUBIERTOS Y NO LO HAGAN…

Avistan Nave Triangular San German Puerto Rico

Como parte de la investigación seria en el campo de la Ufología Puertorriqueña muy proximamente le estaremos presentando este caso y otros relacionado en avistamiento de objetos voladores Triangulares en la zona suroeste de Puerto Rico. Muy pronto estaremos presentando la entrevista realizada a la testigo de este interesante caso por el canal ENFOQUE X TV

Published in: on 26 agosto, 2012 at 5:38 PM  Comentarios (1)  
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Objeto extraño visto en Guayanilla

Como les había adelantado hace varias semanas sobre los avistamientos en la zona suroeste de la isla, este en particular es una creación de la experiencia de dos niñas que estaban compartiendo en una actividad en el pueblo de Guayanilla, las mismas estaban en el estacionamiento del Centro Comunal, cuando ellas avistan este gran objeto negro, pero con unas luces de colores en en cada esquina. Entre los colores estaban  el amarillo, anaranjada y rojas, en su centro tenía una luz muy grande tenue de color amarillo. El objeto pasó silenciosamente por encima del local, las niñas gritaron para vieran el objeto, pero nadie les prestó atención a ellas. Las niñas logran ver ambos lado debido que el objeto dio un giro y se volteo quedando el  extremo de abajo con las luz amarilla y el objeto se perdió en la obscuridad del lugar entre las montañas. El objeto no hizo ruido alguno perceptible por las niñas, y solo se dieron cuenta del paso cuando les dio por mirar al cielo abierto al momento que el objeto pasa por encima de ellas.


Published in: on 23 mayo, 2012 at 6:13 PM  Comentarios (2)  
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Nuevos casos de avistamientos

Pendiente a nuevos casos avistamientos de extraños artefactos en la zona central de Puerto Rico por agentes de la policía de Puerto Rico. Por otra parte joven Yaucana que se encontraba en la noche en las cercania del Hospital Municipal de Guánica, capta en su cámara enorme objeto que procedía desde el poblado Ensenada hacia la costa. Muy pronto estaremos presentando las imágenes aquí en esta página.

Published in: on 15 mayo, 2012 at 11:11 AM  Comentarios (2)  

Revista Brightlights vol.4

Published in: on 20 abril, 2012 at 11:05 AM  Comentarios (2)  
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Nuevos avistamientos en la zona Sur de Puerto Rico

Nuevos casos de avistamientos de extrañas luces en el litoral suroeste de Puerto Rico, residentes de Guánica están reportando desde hace varios días el avistamientos de extrañas luces que salen desde el poblado de Ensenada de Guánica, los alegados testigo indican que estos no emiten ruidos alguno ante el paso de estas extrañas luces de gran taño, dejando una estela luminosa en su traslación de un punto a otro. Agentes de la policía local indican también ser testigos de estos objeto en plena luz de día donde han visto esferas y objetos en forma cilíndrica surcar los cielos de Guánica. un grupo de psicólogos practicantes han sido también testigos de estos avistamientos de estas luces en nuestra zona en la cual han tomado fotos de estos objetos, estaremos indagando mas de estos sucesos en Guánica y de las fotos tomadas por estos especialistas de la salud.

Published in: on 1 marzo, 2012 at 1:25 PM  Dejar un comentario  
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